Events Arguments Description
  addmaptype type This event is fired when a map type is added to the map.
  removemaptype type This event is fired when a map type is removed from the map.
  click overlay, point This event is fired when the map is clicked with the mouse. If the click was on a marker, then the marker is passed to the event handler in the overlay argument, and a click event is also fired on the marker. Otherwise, the geographical coordinates of the point that was clicked are passed in the point argument.
  dblclick overlay, point This event is fired when a double click is done on the map. Notice that this event will not be fired if the double click was on a marker. The geographical coordinates of the point that was double clicked are passed in the point argument. The overlay argument is always set to null. (Since 2.83)
  singlerightclick point, src, overlay? This event is fired when the DOM contextmenu event is fired on the map container. If the right click was on a marker, then the marker is passed to the event handler in the overlay argument. The pixel coordinates (in the DOM element that holds the map) of the point that was right clicked and the source element of the DOM event are passed in the point and src arguments respectively. Note that if it is a double right click and double click to zoom is enabled, then the map zooms out and no singlerightclick event is fired. If, however, double click to zoom is disabled, two singlerightclick events will be fired. (Since 2.84)
  movestart none This event is fired when the map view starts changing. This can be caused by dragging, in which case a dragstart event is also fired, or by invocation of a method that changes the map view.
  move none This event is fired, possibly repeatedly, while the map view is changing.
  moveend none This event is fired when the change of the map view ends.
  zoomend oldLevel, newLevel This event is fired when the map reaches a new zoom level. The event handler receives the previous and the new zoom level as arguments.
  maptypechanged none This event is fired when another map type is selected.
  infowindowopen none This event is fired when the info window opens.
  infowindowbeforeclose none This event is fired before the info window closes. (Since 2.83)
  infowindowclose none This event is fired when the info window closes. The event infowindowbeforeclose is fired before this event. If a currently open info window is reopened at a different point using another call to openInfoWindow*(), the events infowindowbeforeclose, infowindowclose and infowindowopen are fired in this order.
addoverlay overlay This event is fired when a single overlay is added to the map by the method addOverlay(). The new overlay is passed as an argument overlay to the event handler.
removeoverlay overlay This event is fired when a single overlay is removed by the method removeOverlay(). The overlay that was removed is passed as an argument overlay to the event handler.
clearoverlays none This event is fired when all overlays are removed at once by the method clearOverlays().
mouseover latlng This event is fired when the user moves the mouse over the map from outside the map.
mouseout latlng This event is fired when the user moves the mouse off the map.
mousemove latlng This event is fired when the user moves the mouse inside the map.
dragstart none This event is fired when the user starts dragging the map.
drag none This event is repeatedly fired while the user drags the map.
dragend none This event is fired when the user stops dragging the map.
load none This event is fired when the map setup is complete, and isLoaded() would return true. This means position, zoom, and map type are all initialized, but tile images may still be loading. (Since 2.52)
Published in Google Map

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